Chotelal Chicken Masala
Chotelal Chicken Masala
MRP Range : 670, 340, 140, 72, 40
Weight : 1 Kg, 500gm(JAR), 200gm,100gm,50gm
Recipe :
Suggested Receipe : Chicken Curry serves : 4 person
Ingredients :
Cleaned chicken 500 grams 1 onion chopped onion 50 grams 1 medium sized coconut 100 grams Ginger paste 3 tsp. Lahsan paste 3 spoon oil / ghee 50 grams Tomato pieces 50 grams. Roasted cashews of medium size 25 grams / 11 / 1 tsp. Water 1 cup Chhotelal Chicken Masala 3 tbsp.
- To prepare a thick paste, mix 4 tablespoons of Chhotelal Chicken Masala, ginger, garlic, coconut, water.
- Heat ghee/oil in a deep pan and add the above mixture, chopped Mix tomatoes and onions.
- After that add chicken and cook till chicken becomes soft and serve with roasted cashews and serve hot.